
Frequently Asked Questions About Residential Skylights

Frequently Asked Questions About Residential Skylights

Have you been considering getting skylights for your home? Before purchasing them, consider these frequently asked questions about residential skylights.

Have you always dreamt about having skylights in your home, but have many fears regarding it? Do you worry that your home will be ravaged by bugs or break down in a storm, due to the skylight?

There are lots of myths or questions perpetuating among homeowners about residential skylights. It’s common to fear something that you don’t know much about. That’s why we have written this article below on some skylight questions that might be holding you back from getting your own, so keep reading!

Do You Need a Specific Kind of Roof to Have Skylights?

If you have a flat roof or an attic, you might wrongly assume that you can’t have skylights in your house. That would be true if you were hiring someone inexperienced with skylights.

But an experienced skylight installation company will be able to install skylights in your home no matter what kind of roof you have.

Are They Safe?

Yes, residential skylights are safe, since some of them are made of hurricane-rated glass that is built to withstand extreme weather conditions. Also, they are leak-proof, which means they won’t let any of the rain in, so you don’t have to worry about that.

Will They Let the Bugs In?

Also, since they are pretty tightly sealed, you won’t have to fret about swatting away dozens of mosquitos every evening. They will not be coming in through the skylights.

Do They Open?

Again, this depends on the kind of skylight you have chosen, but yes, some of them will open and provide ventilation to the room below. If you have a room that needs something like this, then make sure to choose the appropriate skylight.

What About the Greenhouse Effect?

Another thing that homeowners worry about when it comes to residential skylights is whether they will make the home hotter than it already is. During the summer months, you want the skylight to give you extra natural sunlight without any additional heat. And that’s what skylights do for you, especially if positioned right.

It also helps if you have skylight blinds installed as they can help prevent too much heat from entering your room. And the blinds will allow varying degrees of light depending on how much you open or close them.

Residential Skylights Are Easy to Take Care Of

If you are worried that residential skylights are going to be a lot of extra work for you as a homeowner, don’t give that a second thought. Skylights are easy to take care of, and if you have motorized blinds on them, it will be easy to control how much light they let into your room, with just a flick of a finger.

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